Singapore's Public Warning System

In 2023, a minute-long siren was played during the National Day Parade. That was the sound of the “Important Message” signal.
This same siren will be aired this evening at 6.20pm.
In fact, we have an island-wide network of more than 2,000 sirens installed at strategic points, including rooftops and certain grounds. The Public Warning System (PWS) was installed all over Singapore by the Singapore Civil Defence Force, to warn the public of imminent threats that could endanger lives and property.
🎥: The Making of the SCDF Public Warning System (SCDF Youtube)
Annually, the SCDF sounds the "Important Message" signal through the island-wide network of PWS sirens on 15 February and 15 September at 6.20 pm. The signal will also sound for 20 seconds on all smartphones that have the SGSecure mobile app.
15 Feb 6.20pm was to commemorate our Total Defence Day and the date Singapore fell to the invasion of Japan during WWII, while the purpose of sounding the siren on 15 Sep is to familiarise members of the public by conducting the ‘exercise’ twice a year.
Once you hear the “Important Message” signal, you should tune in to any local radio station or free-to-air MediaCorp TV channel for a brief message on the PWS. Apart from the "Important Message " Signal, there are also the "Alarm " Signal (sounded when when an air raid or shelling is imminent) and "All Clear " Signal (sounded when the threat is over).
The significance of acquainting ourselves with the PWS signals extends far beyond our immediate circumstances, and it’d be dangerously myopic to assume that there is “no need to panic” since we live in a “conflict-free” zone. The world is a complex and ever-evolving stage, where peace can suddenly be disrupted. In the words of a Ukrainian, Antonina Kolpovska who fled her homeland and sought refuge in Denmark three weeks after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, “I will never forget the first air-raid siren”.
While we might not be able to control our external circumstances, we can equip and give ourselves the power to respond adequately and smartly, should emergencies arise.
#DidYouKnow #ANationofLifesavers #DontBeAlarmed #CivilDefence #ImportantMessage #EmergencyPreparedness #WeAreTotalDefence