50th anniversary of the Five Power Defence Arrangements
#OnThisDay (1 Nov) 50 years ago, the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) between Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom came into effect. The pact established defence cooperation between members following the withdrawal of British troops from the region.
Over the years, this partnership has withstood the test of time, with regular joint exercises to ensure our militaries can respond as one if the need arises. Key military personnel and defence ministers also engage in regular dialogue through the FPDA Consultative Council, the FPDA Defence Chiefs' Conference and FPDA Defence Ministers' Meeting.
Against a fluid and ever-evolving security landscape, the exercises and discussions have incorporated issues such as counter-terrorism, maritime security and HADR (Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief) over the years. This ensures the FPDA is adapting to the contemporary security environment.
The collaborative spirit of the FPDA has fostered trust and mutual understanding between all members and will continue to contribute to peace and security in the region. As we celebrate 50 years of the world's second-oldest military partnership, we remember the importance of having friends — especially those who share a common goal for security and stability in this region. #FPDA50
Catch the highlights from this week's flypast and naval vessel display commemorating the FPDA's 50th anniversary: https://www.facebook.com/mindefsg/videos/385983599743192
FPDA Throughout the Years

1971: Officials attending the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) talks at the Ministry of National Development building, Singapore. (Image: Ministry of Information and the Arts Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore)

1989: A FPDA land exercise was held in Singapore for the first time. Prior to Exercise Lion Spirit (now Exercise Suman Warrior), Australia and New Zealand had previously alternated hosted duties until 1987, when Malaysia hosted Exercise Kris Sakti.(Image: MINDEF/Facebook)

1994: FPDA defence ministers meet in Singapore for what was then-termed the FPDA Defence Minister's Conference. (Image: Ministry of Information and the Arts Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore)

2019: Soldiers from the FPDA member-nations during Exercise Bersama Lima 2019. (Image: Ng Eng Hen/Facebook)