NDP National Education Shows

📷: Students at an NE show. (Credits to: ndpeeps)
#DidYouKnow that
about 70,000 students have caught the National Education (NE) shows for
National Day Parade (NDP) 2024? This included Primary 5 students, as well
as Secondary 3 students who were unable to attend the NE shows in 2020
due to the COVID-19 pandemic!
NDP NE shows were introduced in 1997 as part of Singapore’s NE efforts
to give students a chance to not only participate in the National Day celebrations,
but also allow them to appreciate the collective strength as well as the
multiracial and multicultural diversity of our nation through the parade.
Indeed, some of us may remember the time when we attended the NE show
as a child. For many of these young students, nothing beats seeing the
parade in-person where they got to cheer on our red lions, participate
in loud, raucous sing-a-longs, and gasp in awe at the fireworks display!
Although the NDP NE show is not the actual parade, all segments of the
NDP are executed as if on the actual day — from the marching contingents
to the state flag fly-pasts and the presidential gun-salute to the dance
performances, songs, and fireworks, guaranteeing an electric atmosphere,
heart-warming moments, and precious memories for all in attendance.
This year, to mark 40 years of Total Defence, those attending the shows
were treated to more than 40 assets and more than 400 participants in the
inaugural Dynamic Defence Display at the Padang.
As we gear up for celebrations on 9 Aug this year, let us take this opportunity
to also reflect on the past 59 years of independence and renew our commitment
to Singapore and consider how we can inspire a shared future for a better
Singapore. Majulah Singapura!
What was your favourite memory of the NDP NE Shows? Let us know in the
comments below – we’d love to hear from you!