Labour Day 2024

#TIL that workers and unions used to hold pretty intense worker rallies on labour day!
This was according to former President SR Nathan, who wrote in his book that “In the early days of Singapore, May Day rallies had the atmosphere of a persecuted sect preparing for another round of war.” Back then in the 1960s, such adversarial behaviours were not uncommon due to workers’ struggles against the colonial government.
However, the labour landscape in Singapore has drastically changed since then. This was brought about in part by then-PM Lee Kuan Yew’s introduction of “tripartism”, a framework which encouraged a mutually beneficial relationship between the workers, businesses, and the government.
Hence, instead of disruptive strikes or violent protests, all parties are encouraged to work closely together to find solutions as fellow stakeholders and not adversaries -- a relationship which has underpinned Singapore’s economic progress these years.
And as Singapore attempts to navigate an increasingly challenging geopolitical and business environment, we need to preserve and continue to strengthen this robust industrial relationship.
As PM Lee highlighted in his May Day Rally 2024 speech today, Singapore’s strategies have effectively transformed and upgraded our economy, allowing us to continue attracting multinational companies and help our own companies develop new markets overseas.
But the government, business leaders, and workers need to continue maintaining mutual trust, respect and willingness to collaborate with each other, and together demonstrate ingenuity, astuteness, and a never-say-die attitude, so that Singapore retains our competitive advantages. Indeed as PM Lee said, “This must forever be our mindset. Thinking long term, working towards it with patience and determination, and building lasting strengths for Singapore, beyond our own generation, for the next 50, 100 years.”
This #LabourDay, let us appreciate Singapore’s unique tripartite relationship which has protected the interests of all parties and helped us weather several storms in the past such as the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, and more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic.
But more so, as we face the volatile world ahead, may we as a nation remain united and collaborative so that internal strife and divisions are not exacerbated. Only this way can Singapore weather the storms ahead and emerge even stronger.
Happy Labour Day!